Ordering & Services
EDI Orders - We are EDI compatible, please call 800-622-4748 to set up this service.
Fax Orders - You can fax us 24 hours a day by dialing 800-622-4748 any day of the week.
Liability - Having no control over the use of the products on this website, we assume no liability connected with their use. Under no circumstances is Action Plastic Sales Inc. liable for any loss, damage, or expenses arising out of the use of or inability to use our products.
Prices - As product prices may have been updated since our current catalog was printed, we recommend an online item search to locate the most accurate and up-to-date pricing. All prices are subject to change based on current market conditions.
Product Tolerances - All items are manufactured within industry recognized standards. Tolerances vary according to product line. Please contact a Customer Service Representative at 800-622-4748, or email: info@actionplasticsales.com .
Sales Tax - We are required by law to collect state sales tax for Minnesota plus any applicable county, local or district taxes. If you are tax exempt, please submit your certificate for our files. If you are located in any other state, you are responsible for any applicable sales and/or use tax.